Published inGood AudienceArtificial intelligence in software developmentThe use of artificial intelligence (AI) in software development is revolutionising the way we design, build and test software.May 16, 2023May 16, 2023
What Scalability means in the crypto currency spaceOn the one hand, the blockchain area is currently one of the most promising in technology. On the other hand, it also shows how quickly the…Jun 9, 2021Jun 9, 2021
Published inGood AudienceFive Reasons Why Peer-to-Peer Networks Will Change The WorldPeer-to-Peer is a term from network technology, but its implications go beyond, because they could have a strong impact on how our…Oct 28, 2019Oct 28, 2019
Combining Futures And Options in ScalaIf you program a lot in Scala, some patterns occur over and over again. For me it was a combination of a Future and an Option, plugged…Jun 20, 2019Jun 20, 2019
Published inCoinmonksPyramids!Storing, encrypting and signing documents in a P2P networkApr 15, 20191Apr 15, 20191
Published inCoinmonksThe Magic Of IPFSIt is very easy to publish a complete website with IPFS. If you have a local IPFS node installed, you just need to run:Mar 18, 2019Mar 18, 2019
Published inGood AudienceIPFS And Its TriangleLast night I did not sleep very well. After a short slumber I woke up in the middle of the night and saw a shining triangle in the dark…Mar 9, 2019Mar 9, 2019
Published inGood AudienceA Coder’s Diary 5 (How I Finished My Wizard)Thursday, March 7, 2019Mar 7, 2019Mar 7, 2019
Published inGood AudienceA Coder’s Diary 4 (How I finally got IPFS working)Wednesday, March 6, 2019Mar 6, 20191Mar 6, 20191
Published inGood AudienceA Coder’s Diary 3 (How I Tried IPFS)Wednesday, March 6, 2019Mar 6, 2019Mar 6, 2019
Published inGood AudienceMy Programmer’s Diary 2 (All About Deviations)Monday, the 4’th of March, 2019Mar 4, 20191Mar 4, 20191
Published inGood AudienceMy Programmer’s Diary 1 (How I started using scalajs once again)Thursday, February the 26’th, 2019Mar 1, 20191Mar 1, 20191
Published inCoinmonksIn Docs We Trust! — About Document Driven TradingThis could be the beginning of a wonderful future …Mar 1, 2019Mar 1, 2019
Published inCoinmonksHacking Wordpress As A Site OwnerThis article describes how to execute arbitrary JavaScript inside your own wordpress site, without breaking anything or even changing…Feb 24, 2019Feb 24, 2019
Published inCoinmonksWhy Tokenization will Disrupt TradingI will make two somewhat complementary statements:Feb 16, 2019Feb 16, 2019
Published inCoinmonksAn Open Market For WordsA decentralized and open trading platformApr 17, 2018Apr 17, 2018